For Dental Media integrations on Odontia clinic servers.
This guide aims to help you fix the most common issues that might occur on the integra6on setup running on Odontia
Please refer to this before reporting to Dental Medias technical support, as these issues can often be solved with a few clicks.
Note that some of these solutions differ depending on whether the clinic is on a shared server or if it is on a server by
If you are unsure what kind of installation it is, please refer to our shared clinic/server integration sheet.
Issue: Data is not being updated in Dental Media:
Restart the Dental Media service on the server. Restarting the service is done in 3 easy steps:
Open the DM software using the shortcut on your server desktop.
Click the update button and wait 5-10 seconds
Click the restart button and wait 5-10 seconds
and then close the software.
if the software freezes and becomes non respondent
during this, be aware that we have registered the last
click and you can safely force shut the program, restart it
and continue to the next step in the process.
Once you have restarted the software, please write so we can check up on it and
make sure data is coming in as expected.
Issue: Data is still not being sent to Dental Media after a restart
of the software:
Please trouble shoot based on the following questions and see solutions below:
Has the server or DB credentials been changed?
Has the server or DB changed location?
If the clinic is on a shared server, is the host clinic running as expected?
If you can answer no to all the above, please contact
Dental Media Support.
Issue: The server or DB credentials has been changed:
If the clinic is on its own non-shared server:
- Reinstall Dental Medias software using the typical installation option
- Use the install Key found in the clinics/integrations sheet for the relevant clinic
- Once it is reinstalled, Update and restart the service as described in this Quick-Fix guide.
- Contact Dental Media Support to verify that data is received
If on a shared server:
Contact Dental Media Support to exchange new
credentials so we can update the settings file (We will
send you a secure link for this).
Issue: The server or DB has changed location, name etc.:
If the clinic is on its own non-shared server:
- Reinstall Dental Medias so?ware Using the typical installation option
- Use the install Key found in the clinics/integrations sheet for the clinic in question
- Once it is reinstalled, Update and restart the service as described in this Quick-Fix guide.
- Contact Dental Media Support to verify that data is received
If on a shared server:
- Contact Dental Media Support so we can update the information and to exchange new
credentials so we can update the settings file
(We will send you a secure link for this).
Issue: The clinic is on a shared server and the host clinic is not
running as expected: